Oct 9, 2024 | Tree Trimming and Pruning
Planting apple trees can pay off each year when delicious fruit forms from those pretty buds. However, any apple tree pruning must take place before that first bloom if you’re going to ensure a successful growing season. Screaming Timber Arbor Care, Kalamazoo’s...
Sep 25, 2024 | Tree Trimming and Pruning
Pruning tall trees is essential to complete tree care, but the job requires specialized knowledge and skill to protect the health and safety of the tree and people and property on the ground. Read this post for pruning information from Screaming Timber Arbor Care....
Jun 25, 2024 | Tree Trimming and Pruning
When damage strikes tree branches, causing a split, some may think that the damage is enough to make the tree untreatable. Still, not all damage is the same, and professional treatments and interventions can help these plants heal. So, can a split tree branch be...