Five Signs You Need a Fall Yard Clean-Up Service To Prepare for Winter

Winter’s arctic chill has almost arrived here in Grand Haven. You’ve pulled out your warm coat, maybe booked maintenance for your furnace—but don’t forget about your yard, too. Fall is the perfect time to prep your yard for the challenges winter’s bite brings.

Here are five signs that you need fall yard clean-up services from a top-rated tree service in Grand Haven, MI.

fall yard clean up services

1. Your Yard Is an Ocean of Fallen Leaves

Those mounds of fallen leaves can certainly look mesmerizing in your yard, but they make a cozy, attractive home for pests looking to escape winter storms. Insects and rodents love making burrows below thick piles of leaves. When spring arrives, they emerge, ready to wreak havoc on your lawn.

On top of that, wet leaves encourage fungus to grow. Not all fungus is harmful, but it can be an eyesore, and you probably don’t want to deal with mushrooms clogging up your lawnmower come spring.

Some homeowners mulch their leaves and allow the piles to sit all winter, but it’s best to remove them from your lawn.

2. Your Plants Look a Bit Raggedy

After a season of growth, many perennial plants look unkempt and need a trim. Pruning your plants removes spent foliage and dead blossoms, giving them energy to put toward new growth in the spring.

The best time to prune plants is in late fall when you know they’ve gone dormant for the season. You can cut flowering perennials, like daylilies and coneflowers, back to the ground. They’ll grow back in the spring.

Don’t prune certain plants, such as azaleas and lilacs, in the fall. These plants set flower buds after they’re done blooming for the year. If you cut off these buds, the plant won’t bloom in the spring. 

3. You’ve Got Stubborn Weeds

Weeds are a massive hassle, and not even subzero temperatures are enough to kill some species for good. Skip the never-ending odyssey of trying to eliminate weeds and call for fall yard clean-up services instead.

Fall is a great time to apply pre-emergent weed treatment, which’ll prevent weeds from rearing their ugly heads come spring.

4. You Want Your Yard To Be Ready for Spring

When winter’s dreary days give way to the warm glow of spring, you’re ready to ditch your coat and head outside to enjoy the gorgeous weather. It’s tough to do that, though, if you left your yard a mess in the fall.

Fall yard maintenance ensures that your lawn is good to go when temperatures warm. That means no struggling with piles of rotted leaves, dead plants, and fallen tree limbs.

5. You Can’t Handle Fall Cleanup Alone

Fall yard maintenance is no walk in the park! If you’re not up for it, let the pros handle the job. Maintenance includes:

  • Leaf removal and debris collection
  • Mulching
  • Pruning
  • Lawn aeration
  • And more

Schedule Seasonal Maintenance From Screaming Timber Arbor Care

Ready to schedule fall yard clean-up services or need tips for pruning fall trees? Call Screaming Timber Arbor Care at (616) 820-5997.

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